Implementing the IEEE Software Engineering Standards is a practical and professional guide to implementing the IEEE Software Engineering standards in your software development process. There are 39 complex standards involved, some more critical than others. This book explains where to start, which standards to implement first, and how to integrate them into your current software development process. The book presents a realistic Software Life-Cycle Model to complement the standards and aid development. One of the book's biggest benefits is that it helps software engineers reconcile some latest "best practices" such as rapid prototyping and use of CASE tools with use of the standards.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Software Engineering
Standards provide a comprehensive set of standards for developing and validating
software.The standards are a fantastic resource, representing countless man-years of
effort.There is an ongoing program to enhance and extend the standards (approximately
five new standards are developed each year). Among the most highly
regarded software engineering standards available today, the IEEE standards are
widely recognized in regulated industries such as the medical device industry.
Proper use of the standards can help organizations improve their software development
and validation process, and help implement an effective software quality
Implementing the IEEE Software Engineering Standards : 9780672318573
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