iMovie HD 6 and iDVD 6 for Mac OS X (Visual QuickStart Guide) : 9780321423276

Need to learn iMovie HD 6 and iDVD 6 fast? Try a Visual QuickStart! This best-selling reference's visual format and step-by-step, task-based instructions will have you up and running with these great iLife applications in no time. Best-selling author and iLife expert Jeff Carlson uses crystal-clear instructions, full-color illustrations,  and friendly prose to introduce you to everything from using themes, tools, and effects to timeline editing to video podcasts and blogs. You'll also learn about everything new in iMovie HD 6 and iDVD 6, including motion-graphics themes, real-time effects, audio enhancements, sharing options, and more!

Although digital camcorders cost more than analog models, you can get a good quality model these days for less than $400. You can also easily spend $5,000 or more, with plenty of models falling between those ranges.

iMovie HD gives you another option: high-definition (HD) digital camcorders that capture video at a much higher resolution for playback on HD televisions. Surprisingly, you can get one for around $1,500 currently, a bargain compared to full-fledged HD systems (more on that in this chapter).

For the money, you also get a host of featuresand gimmicks. If you've not yet purchased a digital camcorder, this chapter will help you decide which combination of features is right for you. Note that I'll give some examples, but won't be recommending any particular model because (like all technology) the field changes pretty quickly. If you already own a camcorder, skim this chapter to see which features are important and which you should turn off.

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