Investing Online for Dummies, 5th Edition : 9780764584565

Get up to speed with new strategies, tools, and resources

Gain control of your investments and pay less in fees and commissions — here's how

Whether you've invested online before or you're planning to start, this plain-English guide will steer you around the jargon and past the pitfalls. Uncover the best investing resources online, find out if you're earning enough to offset risks, and use online tools to see whether replacing assets in your portfolio will cost you at tax time.

Discover how to

  • Build an online investment information system

  • Analyze and choose stocks and bonds

  • Find appropriate investments

  • Track your portfolio

  • Avoid costly traps and unnecessary risks

About the Author

Kathleen Sindell, PhD, is an expert on e-commerce and e-security, an adjunct faculty member for the Johns Hopkins University MBA program, and an e-commerce consultant.

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Investing in Fixer-Uppers : 9780071414333

How to get rich fast by making ugly houses beautiful!

Want to find great opportunities and make big bucks in the hottest business there is? Now you can take advantage the nation's huge and growing demand for quality housing and get rich doing it! Investing in Fixer-Uppers helps you develop the knowledge and expertise you need to buy run-down properties at bargain rates, make just the right renovations, and sell or rent for enormous profits!

Nationally recognized real estate guru "Fixer Jay" DeCima shows you how to add tens, even hundreds of thousand of dollars to the value of a dilapidated building while risking little or none of your own money. You'll discover how to substitute personal skills for traditional down payments, learn strategies for turning a profit without waiting for appreciation, and find dozens of other money-making tips, including how to:

  • Find the right properties and seek out a motivated seller

  • Work with the right real estate agents who multiply your profits

  • Learn what's possible to fix and what to leave alone

  • Get free government fix-up money and low interest housing loans

  • Double the property value and increase the income 50% within 18 months

  • Create equity fast with minimal cash upfront

  • Bring in an investor to help your cash flow

  • Leverage short-term profits into a lifetime of wealth

  • Learn what kind of fix-up work pays you the most money

  • Convert people problems into big paydays

  • Buy properties not listed for sale

  • How much to pay for every property you buy

  • Profit with a co-investor

  • Earn 50% of the profits for a 10% investment

Rule #1 for profiting in real estate is ACT NOW! Start by reading Investing in Fixer-Uppers, and put yourself on the road to financial independence.

About the Author

Jay P. DeCima, known in the real estate industry as "Fixer Jay," owns more than 200 previously run-down homes, hosts seminars for fixer-upper investors around the United States, and publishes a monthly newsletter, Trade Secrets, for do-it-yourself real estate investors and career changers.

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Investigator's Guide to Steganography : 9780849324338

Investigators within the law enforcement and cyber forensics communities are generally aware of the concept of steganography, but their levels of expertise vary dramatically depending upon the incidents and cases that they have been exposed to. Now there is a book that balances the playing field in terms of awareness, and serves as a valuable reference source for the tools and techniques of steganography.

The Investigator's Guide to Steganography provides a comprehensive look at this unique form of hidden communication from its earliest beginnings to its most modern uses. The book begins by exploring the past, providing valuable insight into how this method of communication began and evolved from ancient times to the present day. It continues with an in-depth look at the workings of digital steganography and watermarking methods, available tools on the Internet, and a review of companies who are providing cutting edge steganography and watermarking services. The third section builds on the first two by outlining and discussing real world uses of steganography from the business and entertainment to national security and terrorism. The book concludes by reviewing steganography detection methods and what can be expected in the future.

About the Author

Greg Kipper, CISSP, works as an IT security consultant and computer forensics investigator in the Washington, D.C. area.

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Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection, First Edition : 9780750676137

Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection is the first book to outline how data mining technologies can be used to combat crime in the 21st century. It introduces security managers, law enforcement investigators, counter-intelligence agents, fraud specialists, and information security analysts to the latest data mining techniques and shows how they can be used as investigative tools. Readers will learn how to search public and private databases and networks to flag potential security threats and root out criminal activities even before they occur.

The groundbreaking book reviews the latest data mining technologies including intelligent agents, link analysis, text mining, decision trees, self-organizing maps, machine learning, and neural networks. Using clear, understandable language, it explains the application of these technologies in such areas as computer and network security, fraud prevention, law enforcement, and national defense. International case studies throughout the book further illustrate how these technologies can be used to aid in crime prevention.

Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection will also serve as an indispensable resource for software developers and vendors as they design new products for the law enforcement and intelligence communities.

Key Features:

* Covers cutting-edge data mining technologies available to use in evidence gathering and collection

* Includes numerous case studies, diagrams, and screen captures to illustrate real-world applications of data mining

* Easy-to-read format illustrates current and future data mining uses in preventative law enforcement, criminal profiling, counter-terrorist initiatives, and forensic science

* Introduces cutting-edge technologies in evidence gathering and collection, using clear non-technical language
* Illustrates current and future applications of data mining tools in preventative law enforcement, homeland security, and other areas of crime detection and prevention
* Shows how to construct predictive models for detecting criminal activity and for behavioral profiling of perpetrators
* Features numerous Web links, vendor resources, case studies, and screen captures illustrating the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies

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Investigating Computer-Related Crime : 9780849322181

Written by an experienced information security specialist, Investigating Computer-Related Crime is tailored to the needs of corporate information professionals and investigators. It gives a step-by-step approach to understanding and investigating security problems, and offers the technical information, legal information, and computer forensic techniques you need to preserve the security of your company's information.Investigating Computer-Related Crime discusses the nature of cyber crime, its impact in the 21st century, its investigation and the difficulties encountered by both public law enforcement officials and private investigators. By detailing an investigation and providing helpful case studies, this book offers insights into collecting and preserving evidence, interrogating suspects and witnesses, handling the crime in progress, and issues in involving the authorities. The seasoned author offers valuable, firsthand information on using the forensic utilities for preserving evidence and searching for hidden information, to help you devise solutions to the computer-related crimes that threaten the well-being of your company.

The introduction of the IBM Personal Computer in 1982 fostered a technology
revolution that has changed the way the world does business. Prior to that historic
milestone, several personal computers existed, e.g., Apple, TRS 80, but they were
primarily used by individuals, schools, and small businesses. When computer mainframe
giant, International Business Machines (IBM) entered the personal computer
market in 1982, the event quickly captured the attention of corporations and government
agencies worldwide.

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Investigating Child Exploitation: The Internet, Law and Forensic Science : 9780121631055

This work is the culmination of many years of study and work. During my undergraduate
and graduate work, my primary research interests revolved around
domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and child exploitation. Feminism,
the Constitution, freedom of expression and privacy, politics, and the
dynamics of power are topics that seem to me to be intertwined with crime
against women and children. As time marches on, I notice that more than
twenty years have passed since I first began to study these issues. The issues have
changed a bit, but they are just as interesting, just as in need of study, and just
as intertwined as ever.

When the Internet was invented, a revolution began in the way we live our
lives. A thousand years from now, the early days of the “Internet Age” will no
doubt be considered of more historic magnitude than the Industrial Revolution
or the Iron Age. In a matter of fifteen years or so, the Internet has irreversibly
impacted every major human endeavor. The Internet has changed the
way we communicate, the way we are educated, our economy, our sexuality, our
politics and the way crime is committed. This book addresses the narrow area
of investigating the online exploitation of children.

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Inventory Accounting : A Comprehensive Guide (Wiley Best Practices) : 9780471356424

The classical view of inventory data collection is that of employees filling out forms
of various kinds throughout the warehouse and production areas, which are then
forwarded to a central data entry location, where hordes of clerks keypunch the data
into a central computer database. Although this was a reasonably accurate view of
the situation in the past, the types of systems available for collecting information
are now more efficient and effective. These systems were developed because of a
growing recognition that traditional data collection methods require a great deal of
employee time that could be better spent on value-added tasks. Also, having a secondary
data entry step increases the likelihood of keypunching errors, which can
be completely avoided by some of the data collection methods discussed in this

Some of the data systems that can be used to collect inventory information are
shown in Exhibit 1-1. They lie along a continuum that begins with loosely formatted
data, such as that found on a faxed document, and ends with perfectly formatted
data that can be directly entered into a computer system without alteration, such as
electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions or transactions entered through an
electronic form. A special case is document imaging, which can be tightly coupled
to a company’s computer systems or maintained as a freestanding system with no
linkages at all. Accordingly, it is surrounded by a larger box in the exhibit, indicating
the range within the exhibit that it can occupy. Based on the information in the
exhibit, it is evident that an inventory accountant should recommend installation of
the systems noted in the upper right-hand corner because they provide the best
means for collecting the highest-quality costing information that can be injected
directly into a company’s central database of costing information.

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Inventor's Guide to Law, Business & Taxes : 9780873379250

Hungry for cash, John "Doc" Pemberton sold the world's most famous trade secret -- the formula for Coca-Cola, for less than $900. Charles Goodyear had a brilliant innovation -- rubber that could be used year-round. But Goodyear made many bad deals, failed to protect his patent rights and died in 1860 owing over $200,000. Charles Stahlberg woke the world up with his alarm-clock invention but then, because of business debts, was forced to sell all rights cheaply to the Westclox company. George Ferris had two brilliant ideas -- the Ferris wheel and the amusement park -- but debts forced him to auction his wheel and eventually he was driven to bankruptcy. Adolph Sax patented his saxophone but died penniless after spending all his money on attorneys to fight patent battles.

From Gutenberg (yes, he died penniless as well) to today, developing a great invention has never been a guarantee of financial success. There are many reasons for these financial failures -- bad luck, bad timing, the world's indifference to innovation -- but one of the most significant causes is the inventor's lack of basic knowledge in three areas:

law -- the array of laws, such as patent law, that protect inventions and thereby enable inventors to make money from them business -- the knowledge of how to properly organize and run inventing activities like a real business, and taxes -- the ability to take advantage of the tax laws to help underwrite inventing efforts. This book is intended to help the independent inventor fill this knowledge gap. Whether you're a full- or part-time inventor, just starting out or highly experienced with many patents to your name, reading this book will enable you to answer such crucial questions as:

If I invent something on the job, who owns it -- my employer or me? (See Chapter 11.) Can I deduct my home-workshop expenses from my taxes? (See Chapter 7.) Should I incorporate my inventing business? (See Chapter 2.) How can I pay the low 20% capital gains tax rate on my inventing income? (See Chapter 8.) Reading this book won't guarantee you'll get rich from inventing, but at least you'll be able to avoid some of the mistakes other inventors have made.

What's Not in This Book This book does not cover everything inventors need to know. Specifically, it is not about:

How to file for a patent. This book provides an overview of all forms of intellectual property law, including patents, but it does not explain how to file for a patent. This topic is covered in more detail in Patent It Yourself, by David Pressman (Nolo). How to file a provisional patent application. Patent Pending In 24 Hours, by Richard Stim & David Pressman (Nolo) explains how to prepare a provisional patent application. How to do a patent search. Patent Searching Made Easy, by David Hitchcock (Nolo), offers guidance on patent searching. How to do a patent drawing. If you want to create your own patent drawings, check out How to Make Patent Drawings Yourself, by Jack Lo & David Pressman (Nolo).

About the Author
Stephen Fishman received his law degree from the University of Southern California in 1979. After stints in government and private practice, he became a full-time legal writer in 1983. He has helped write and edit over a dozen reference books for attorneys. He is the author of Software Development: A Legal Guide, Copyright Your Software, The Copyright Handbook, Consultant & Independent Contractor Agreements, Wage Slave No More: Law & Taxes for the Self-Employed, and Hiring Independent Contractors: The Employer''s Legal Guide, all published by Nolo.

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Invention of Hysteria: Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere : 9780262042154

In this classic of French cultural studies, Georges Didi-Huberman traces the intimate and reciprocal relationship between the disciplines of psychiatry and photography in the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the immense photographic output of the Salpetriere hospital, the notorious Parisian asylum for insane and incurable women, Didi-Huberman shows the crucial role played by photography in the invention of the category of hysteria. Under the direction of the medical teacher and clinician Jean-Martin Charcot, the inmates of Salpetriere identified as hysterics were methodically photographed, providing sceptical colleagues with visual proof of hysteria's specific form. These images, many of which appear in this book, provided the materials for the multivolume album Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere. As Didi-Huberman shows, these photographs were far from simply objective documentation. The subjects were required to portray their hysterical "type" - they performed their own hysteria. Bribed by the special status they enjoyed in the purgatory of experimentation and threatened with transfer back to the inferno of the incurables, the women patiently posed for the photographs and submitted to presentations of hysterical attacks before the crowds that gathered for Charcot's "Tuesday Lectures." Charcot did not stop at voyeuristic observation. Through techniques such as hypnosis, electroshock therapy, and genital manipulation, he instigated the hysterical symptoms in his patients, eventually giving rise to hatred and resistance on their part. Didi-Huberman follows this path from complicity to antipathy in one of Charcot's favorite "cases," that of Augustine, whose image crops up again and again in the Iconographie. Augustine's virtuosic performance of hysteria ultimately became one of self-sacrifice, seen in pictures of ecstasy, crucifixion, and silent cries.

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Invasive Software Composition : 9783540443858

Over the past two decades, software engineering has come a long way from object-based to object-oriented to component-based design and development. Invasive software composition is a new technique that unifies and extends recent software engineering concepts like generic programming, aspect-oriented development, architecture systems, or subject-oriented development. To improve reuse, this new method regards software components as grayboxes and integrates them during composition. Building on a minimal set of program transformations, composition operator libraries can be developed that parameterize, extend, connect, mediate, and aspect-weave components.

The book is centered around the JAVA language and the freely available demonstrator library COMPOST. It provides a wealth of materials for researchers, students, and professional software architects alike.

Text covers invasive software composition, a new technique that unifies and extends recent software engineering concepts like generic programming, aspect-oriented development, architecture systems, or subject-oriented development. Focuses on the JAVA language and the freely available demonstrator library COMPOST. For researchers, students, and professional software architects.

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Invasion of Privacy! Big Brother and the Company Hackers : 9781592000432

Pop-up ads, cookies, spyware, spam, junk mail, telemarketing calls. Rapidly evolving technology has made you a target and your personal information a desirable commodity. Your profile is out there and it’s available not just to the highest bidder, but to every bidder. Technology, advertising, the media, and government have converged to invade our privacy. Invasion of Privacy exposes the dangers and proposes a practical defense. Invasion of Privacy is about people; people who do good and evil things with technology, people who are victims of technology, and victims who become avengers by turning the tables on the technology that victimizes them.


  • Do you want to know if Mac is more secure than Windows?

  • Are you tired of spam, junk faxes, and telemarketing calls?

  • Do you hate pop-up ads, spyware, and computer viruses?

  • Are you ready to protect your privacy and your personal information?

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Intrusion Prevention Fundamentals : 9781587052392

Intrusion Prevention Fundamentals offers an introduction and in-depth overview of Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) technology. Using real-world scenarios and practical case studies, this book walks you through the lifecycle of an IPS projectfrom needs definition to deployment considerations. Implementation examples help you learn how IPS works, so you can make decisions about how and when to use the technology and understand what "flavors" of IPS are available. The book will answer questions like:

Whether you are evaluating IPS technologies or want to learn how to deploy and manage IPS in your network, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone who needs to know how IPS technology works, what problems it can or cannot solve, how it is deployed, and where it fits in the larger security marketplace.

  • Understand the types, triggers, and actions of IPS signatures

  • Deploy, configure, and monitor IPS activities and secure IPS communications

  • Learn the capabilities, benefits, and limitations of host IPS

  • Examine the inner workings of host IPS agents and management infrastructures

  • Enhance your network security posture by deploying network IPS features

  • Evaluate the various network IPS sensor types and management options

  • Examine real-world host and network IPS deployment scenarios

This book is part of the Cisco Press® Fundamentals Series. Books in this series introduce networking professionals to new networking technologies, covering network topologies, example deployment concepts, protocols, and management techniques.

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Intrusion Prevention and Active Response : Deploying Network and Host IPS : 9781932266474

From the Foreword by Stephen Northcutt, Director of Training and Certification, The SANS Institute

Within a year of the infamous "Intrusion Detection is Dead" report by Gartner, we started seeing Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) products that actually worked in the real world. Security professionals are going to be approaching management for funding in the next year or two to procure intrusion prevention devices, especially Intelligent switches from 3Com (TippingPoint), as well as host-based intrusion prevention solutions like Cisco Security Agent, Platform Logic, Ozone or CrossTec. Both managers and security technologists face a pressing need to get up to speed, and fast, on the commercial and open source intrusion prevention solutions. This is the first book-length work that specifically concentrates on the concept, implementation, and implications of intrusion prevention and active response. The term IPS has been thrown around with reckless abandon by the security community. Here, the author team works to establish a common understanding and terminology, as well as compare the approaches to intrusion prevention.

  • Transition from Intrusion Detection to Intrusion PreventionUnlike IDS, IPS can modify application-layer data or perform system call interception.

  • Develop an Effective Packet Inspection ToolboxUse products such as the Metasploit Framework as a source of test attacks.

  • Travel Inside the SANS Internet Storm CenterReview packet captures of actual attacks, like the "Witty" worm, directly from the handler's diary.

  • Protect Against False PositivesRemember that, unlike an IDS, an IPS will REACT to an intrusion.

  • Integrate Multiple Layers of IPSCreate a multivendor defense at the Data Link, Network, Transport, and Application layers.

  • Deploy Host Attack Prevention MechanismsIncludes stack hardening, system call interception, and application shimming.

  • Implement Inline Packet Payload AlterationUse Snort Inline or a Linux kernel patch to the Netfilter string match extension.

  • Covers all Major Intrusion Prevention and Active Response SystemsIncludes Snort Inline, SnortSAM, PaX, StackGuard, LIDS, FWSnort, PSAD, Enterasys Web IPS, and mod_securit.

  • Deploy IPS on Web Servers at the Applications LayerThe loading of an application-level IPS in process by the Web server will protect the server and inspect encrypted traffic.

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Intrusion Detection with SNORT: Advanced IDS Techniques Using SNORT, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and ACID : 9780131407336

Protect your network with Snort: the high-performance, open source IDS

Snort gives network administrators an open source intrusion detection system that outperforms proprietary alternatives. Now, Rafeeq Ur Rehman explains and simplifies every aspect of deploying and managing Snort in your network. You'll discover how to monitor all your network traffic in real time; update Snort to reflect new security threats; automate and analyze Snort alerts; and more. Best of all, Rehman's custom scripts integrate Snort with Apache, MySQL, PHP, and ACID-so you can build and optimize a complete IDS solution more quickly than ever before.

  • An expert introduction to intrusion detection and the role of Snort

  • Writing and updating Snort rules to reflect the latest attacks and exploits

  • Contains detailed coverage of Snort plug-ins, preprocessors, and output modules

  • Logging alerts to a MySQL database

  • Using ACID to search, process, and analyze security alerts

  • Using SnortSnarf to analyze Snort log files

  • XML support for Snort via the Simple Network Markup Language (SNML)

FTP Site

The accompanying ftp site contains all the software, scripts, and rules you need to get started with Snort.

About the Open Source Series

Bruce Perens' Open Source Series is a definitive series of Linux and Open Source books by the world's leading Linux software developers. Bruce Perens is the primary author of The Open Source Definition, the formative document of the open source movement, and the former Debian GNU/Linux Project Leader. The text of this book is Open Source licensed

About the Author

RAFEEQ UR REHMAN is founding director of Argus Network Security Services, Inc. He is an HP Certified System Administrator and CCNA with more than nine years' experience in UNIX and network administration, as well as C and database programming. His books include The Linux Development Platform; Solaris 8 Training Guide (310-043): Network Administrator Certification; and HP Certified: HP-UX System Administration. He is a contributing writer for SysAdmin Journal and Linux Journal.

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Intrusion Detection and Prevention : 9780072229547

In today’s converged networking environment, cyber crime is on the rise and getting more sophisticated every day. Malicious hackers lurk in dark corners, scanning for vulnerable systems and launching debilitating attacks. Intrusion Detection & Prevention shows you, step-by-step, how to mount a comprehensive defense, perform real-time security monitoring, and implement a proactive incident response plan. Major examples of IDS software are covered, including TCPDump, RealSecure, Cisco Secure IDS, Network Flight Recorder, and Snort 2.0. You’ll learn how to properly place and configure network sensors, analyze packets and TCP streams, correlate data, and counter attempted break-ins. Plus, you’ll get vital coverage of legal standards, business guidelines, and the future of intrusion prevention.

Inside, learn to:

  • Identify and eliminate abnormal network traffic patterns and application-level abuses

  • Capture, store, and analyze network transactions with TCPDump

  • Deploy sensors, agents, and manager components in single-tiered, multi-tiered, and peer-to-peer architectures

  • Grab, filter, decode, and process data packets and TCP streams

  • Manage RealSecure Network Sensors, alerts, encryption keys, and reports

  • Implement ISS’s new central management system, SiteProtector 2.0

  • Administer Cisco Secure IDS, Cisco Threat Response, and the Cisco Security Agent

  • Distribute CSIDS 4200 Series Sensors and Catalyst 6000 IDS modules

  • Use Snort 2.0 rules, outputs, and plug-ins to detect unauthorized activity

  • Monitor transactions with the Snort 2.0 Protocol Flow Analyzer

  • Perform packet inspection and protocol anomaly detection with Network Flight Recorder

  • Assess threat levels using data correlation, fusion, and vulnerability scanning

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Intrusion Detection and Correlation: Challenges and Solutions : 9780387233987

Intrusion Detection and Correlation: Challenges and Solutions presents intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and addresses the problem of managing and correlating the alerts produced. This volume discusses the role of intrusion detection in the realm of network security with comparisons to traditional methods such as firewalls and cryptography.

The Internet is omnipresent and companies have increasingly put critical resources online. This has given rise to the activities of cyber criminals. Virtually all organizations face increasing threats to their networks and the services they provide. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) take increased pounding for failing to meet the expectations researchers and IDS vendors continually raise. Promises that IDSs are capable of reliably identifying malicious activity in large networks were premature and never tuned into reality.

While virus scanners and firewalls have visible benefits and remain virtually unnoticed during normal operations, the situation is different with intrusion detection sensors. State-of-the-art IDSs produce hundreds or even thousands of alerts every day. Unfortunately, almost all of these alerts are false positives, that is, they are not related to security-relevant incidents.

Intrusion Detection and Correlation: Challenges and Solutions analyzes the challenges in interpreting and combining (i.e., correlating) alerts produced by these systems. In addition, existing academic and commercial systems are classified; their advantage and shortcomings are presented, especially in the case of deployment in large, real-world sites.

It is easy to run a secure computer system. You merely have to disconnect all dial-up connections and permit only direct-wired terminals, put the machine and its terminals in a shielded room, and post a guard at the door.
– F.T. Gramp and R.H. Morris

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Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision : 9780132611084

An applied introduction to modern computer vision, focusing on a set of computational techniques for 3-D imaging, this book covers a wide range of fundamental problems encountered within computer vision and provides detailed algorithmic and theoretical solutions for each. Each chapter concentrates on a specific problem and solves it by building on previous results.


  • Provides a guide to well-tested theory and algorithms including solutions of problems encountered in modern computer vision.

  • Contains many practical hints highlighted in the book.

  • Develops two parallel tracks in the presentation, showing how fundamental problems are solved using both intensity and range images, the most popular types of images used today.

  • Each chapter contains notes on the literature, review questions, numerical exercises, and projects.

  • Provides an Internet list for accessing links to test images, demos, archives and additional learning material.

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Introductory Biostatistics : 9780471418160

The nuts-and-bolts of biostatistics–without the anxiety

To students in public health, dentistry, nursing, and other health disciplines, the introductory course in biostatistics conjures up dread images of mind-numbing formulas and dry-as-bones texts. This text, adapted from and expanding on his bestselling Health and Numbers (Wiley), will change your mind.

Designed as an antidote to the usual anxiety-producing textbooks, Professor Chap T. Lee’s Introductory Biostatistics is a lively, user-friendly introduction that will nurture interest and motivate students to see statistics as a "way of thinking" about gathering and analyzing data–not just a bunch of formulas or data. It is, as the author puts it, "the science of dealing with uncertainties using incomplete information."

Taking a problems-based approach full of real-world examples, the text slowly and methodically builds understanding and mastery of the fundamentals of biostatistics. It briefly covers data collection and then expands on the subjects of descriptive statistics, statistical inference, probability, and probability models. Such features as "Brief Notes on the Fundamentals," end-of-chapter notes on computations using Excel, and samples of SAS computer programs strengthen the reader’s grasp of the background and the concepts of biostatistical procedures.

Written for the applied statistician seeking a handy and accessible reference as well as for students taking a full-year course, Introductory Biostatistics fills a long-time need for a reassuring, sensitively-presented, yet thorough exposure to a subject of increasing importance to professionals in the health disciplines.

About the Author
CHAP T. LE, PhD, is Distinguished University Teaching Professor and the Director of Biostatistics at the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. His other books include Health and Numbers: Basic Biostatistical Methods, Applied Survival Analysis, Applied Categorical Data Analysis, and Health and Numbers: A Problems-Based Introduction to Biostatistics, Second Edition, all from Wiley.

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Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Econometrics (Themes in Modern Econometrics) : 9780521542241

This book is intended for use in a rigorous introductory PhD level course in econometrics, or in a field course in econometric theory. It covers the measure-theoretical foundation of probability theory, the multivariate normal distribution with its application to classical linear regression analysis, various laws of large numbers, central limit theorems and related results for independent random variables as well as for stationary time series, with applications to asymptotic inference of M-estimators, and maximum likelihood theory. Some chapters have their own appendices containing the more advanced topics and/or difficult proofs. Moreover, there are three appendices with material that is supposed to be known. Appendix I contains a comprehensive review of linear algebra, including all the proofs. Appendix II reviews a variety of mathematical topics and concepts that are used throughout the main text, and Appendix III reviews complex analysis. Therefore, this book is uniquely self-contained.

¿ Rigorous and comprehensive overview of the mathematical and statistical foundations of econometrics ¿ The focus is on understanding `why¿ rather than `how¿, therefore all the proofs are provided ¿ Appendices contain enough advanced material to make the book suitable for a specialty course in econometric theory

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Introduction to Telecommunications Network Engineering, Second Edition : 9781580535007

Telecommunications is one of the fastest growing business sectors of modern
information technologies. A couple of decades ago, to have a basic understanding
of telecommunications, it was enough to know how the telephone
network operated. Today, the field of telecommunications encompasses a
vast variety of modern technologies and services. Some services, such as
the fixed telephone service in developed countries, have become mature,
and some have been exploding (e.g., cellular mobile communications and
the Internet). The deregulation of the telecommunications industry has
increased business growth, even though, maybe because, tariffs have

The present telecommunications environment, in which each of us has
to make choices, has become complicated. In the past, there was only one
local telephone network operator that we chose to use or not use. Currently,
many operators offer us ADSL or cable modem for Internet access and we
have many options for telephone service as well.

Telecommunications is a strategically important resource for most
modern corporations and its importance continues to increase. Special attention
has to be paid to the security aspects and costs of services. The everchanging
telecommunications environment provides new options for users,
and we should be more aware of telecommunications as a whole to be able to
capitalize on the possibilities available today.

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Introduction to Survey Quality : 9780471193753

The principles and concepts of survey measurement quality

Issues of survey quality have become increasingly more prominent in recent years. As more and more professionals who are not necessarily trained as survey researchers take on tasks associated with surveys, the need arises for a grounded, basic introduction to current survey methods and quality issues associated with them.

Introduction to Survey Quality summarizes the history of survey research and outlines the essential concepts for data quality. With an emphasis on total survey error, authors Paul Biemer and Lars Lyberg review well-established, as well as recently developed principles and concepts in the field, and examine important issues that are still unresolved and being actively pursued in the current survey methods literature. Spanning a range of topics dealing with the quality of data collected through the survey process, they focus on such key issues as:

*Major sources of survey error, examining the origins of each error source and the most successful methods for reducing errors from those sources

*Methods most often used in practice for evaluating the effects of the source on total survey error

*Implications of improving survey quality for organizational management and cost

Introduction to Survey Quality is written for a broad audience that includes experienced survey researchers who would benefit from a better understanding of survey data quality as well as others with little or no prior training in survey methods. It is both a useful road map to the issues of survey measurement encountered in survey work and an essential guide to practical methods for improving the quality of survey data.

About the Author
PAUL P. BIEMER, PhD, is a distinguished Fellow at RTI International, and Assistant Director for Survey Research at the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
LARS E. LYBERG, PhD, is Chief Scientist at Statistics Sweden. They both have co-edited, with others, Measurement Errors in Surveys, Survey Measurement and Process Quality, and Telephone Survey Methodology (all published by Wiley).

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Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel : 9780471731917

INTENDED FOR CLASS USE OR SELF-STUDY, this text aspires to introduce statistical
methodology to a wide audience, simply and intuitively, through
resampling from the data at hand.

The resampling methods—permutations and the bootstrap—are easy to
learn and easy to apply. They require no mathematics beyond introductory
high-school algebra, yet are applicable in an exceptionally broad range of
subject areas.

Introduced in the 1930s, the numerous, albeit straightforward calculations
resampling methods require were beyond the capabilities of the
primitive calculators then in use. They were soon displaced by less powerful,
less accurate approximations that made use of tables. Today, with a
powerful computer on every desktop, resampling methods have resumed
their dominant role and table lookup is an anachronism.
Physicians and physicians in training, nurses and nursing students, business
persons, business majors, research workers, and students in the biological
and social sciences will find here a practical and easily grasped
guide to descriptive statistics, estimation, testing hypotheses, and model

For advanced students in biology, dentistry, medicine, psychology, sociology,
and public health, this text can provide a first course in statistics
and quantitative reasoning.
For mathematics majors, this text will form the first course in statistics,
to be followed by a second course devoted to distribution theory and
asymptotic results.

Hopefully, all readers will find my objectives are the same as theirs: To
use quantitative methods to characterize, review, report on, test, estimate, and
classify findings.

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Introduction to SQL: Mastering the Relational Database Language (4th Edition) : 9780321305961

The Classic SQL Tutorial: Fully Updated for Today's Standards and Today's Top Databases

For twenty years, van der Lans' Introduction to SQL has been the definitive SQL tutorial for database professionals everywhere, regardless of experience or platform. Now van der Lans has systematically updated this classic guide to reflect the latest SQL standards and the newest versions of today's leading RDBMSs: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, and MySQL.

Using case study examples and hands-on exercises, van der Lans illuminates every key SQL concept, technique, and statement. Drawing on decades of experience as an SQL standards team member and enterprise consultant, he reveals exactly why SQL works as it doesand how to get the most out of it. You'll gain powerful insight into everything from basic queries to stored procedures, transactions to data security. Whether you're a programmer or DBA, a student or veteran, this book will take you from "apprentice" to true SQL master.

  •   Writing queries and updating data: all you need to know about SELECT

  •   Working with joins, functions, and subqueries

  •   Creating database objects: tables, indexes, views, and more

  •   Specifying keys and other integrity constraints

  •   Using indexes to improve efficiency

  •   Enforcing security via passwords and privileges

  •   Building stored procedures and triggers

  •   Developing with embedded SQL and ODBC

  •   Working with transactions, including rollbacks, savepoints, isolation levels, and more

  •   Optimizing performance by reformulating SQL statements

  •   Using object-relational features: subtables, references, sets, and user-defined data types

  •   Reference section: SQL statement definitions and SQL function lists

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Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications : 9780974423975

    This text is an introduction to Simulink ®, a companion application to MATLAB ®. It is written for students at the undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as for the working professional. Although some previous knowledge of MATLAB would be helpful, it is not absolutely necessary; Appendix A of this text is an introduction to MATLAB to enable the reader to begin learning both MATLAB and Simulink simultaneously, and to perform graphical computations and programming.

    Chapters 2 through 18 describe the blocks of all Simulink libraries. Their application is illustrated with practical examples through Simulink models, some of which are supplemented with MATLAB functions, commands, and statements. Some background information is provided for lesser known definitions and topics. Chapters 1 and 19 contain several Simulink models to illustrate various applied math and engineering applications. Appendix B is an introduction to difference equations as they apply to discrete-time systems, and Appendix C introduces the reader to random generation procedures.

    This text supplements our Numerical Analysis with MATLAB and Spreadsheet Applications, ISBN 0-9709511-1-6. It is self-contained; the blocks of each library are described in an orderly fashion that is consistent with Simulink’s documentation. This arrangement provides insight into how a model is used and how its parts interact with each another.

    Like MATLAB, Simulink can be used with both linear and nonlinear systems, which can be modeled in continuous time, sample time, or a hybrid of these. Examples are provided in this text. Most of the examples presented in this book can be implemented with the Student Versions of MATLAB and Simulink. A few may require the full versions of these outstanding packages, and these examples may be skipped. Some add-ons, known as Toolboxes and Blocksets can be obtained from The MathWorks,™ Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA, 01760-2098, USA,

    To get the most out of this outstanding application, it is highly recommended that this text is used in conjunction with the MATLAB and Simulink User’s Guides. Other references are provided in the reference section of this text.

    The author wishes to express his gratitude to the staff of The MathWorks™, the developers of MATLAB® and Simulink®, especially to Ms. Courtney Esposito, for the encouragement and unlimited support they have provided me with during the production of this text.

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Introduction to RF Propagation : 9780471655961

An introduction to RF propagation that spans all wireless applications

This book provides readers with a solid understanding of the concepts involved in the propagation of electromagnetic waves and of the commonly used modeling techniques. While many books cover RF propagation, most are geared to cellular telephone systems and, therefore, are limited in scope. This title is comprehensive—it treats the growing number of wireless applications that range well beyond the mobile telecommunications industry, including radar and satellite communications.

The author's straightforward, clear style makes it easy for readers to gain the necessary background in electromagnetics, communication theory, and probability, so they can advance to propagation models for near-earth, indoor, and earth-space propagation. Critical topics that readers would otherwise have to search a number of resources to find are included:

  • RF safety chapter provides a concise presentation of FCC recommendations, including application examples, and prepares readers to work with real-world propagating systems

  • Antenna chapter provides an introduction to a wide variety of antennas and techniques for antenna analysis, including a detailed treatment of antenna polarization and axial ratio; the chapter contains a set of curves that permit readers to estimate polarization loss due to axial ratio mismatch between transmitting and receiving antennas without performing detailed calculations

  • Atmospheric effects chapter provides curves of typical atmospheric loss, so that expected loss can be determined easily

  • Rain attenuation chapter features a summary of how to apply the ITU and Crane rain models

  • Satellite communication chapter provides the details of earth-space propagation analysis including rain attenuation, atmospheric absorption, path length determination and noise temperature determination

Examples of widely used models provide all the details and information needed to allow readers to apply the models with confidence. References, provided throughout the book, enable readers to explore particular topics in greater depth. Additionally, an accompanying Wiley ftp site provides supporting MathCad files for select figures in the book.

With its emphasis on fundamentals, detailed examples, and comprehensive coverage of models and applications, this is an excellent text for upper-level undergraduate or graduate students, or for the practicing engineer who needs to develop an understanding of propagation phenomena.

About the Author
JOHN S. SEYBOLD, PHD, is a Communication Systems Engineer at the Harris Corporation. Prior to joining Harris, he was an associate professor of electrical engineering at Florida Institute of Technology where he also served as the associate director of the Institute's Wireless Center of Excellence. During his career, Dr. Seybold has worked in radar systems, digital signal processing, and communication systems, including spread spectrum.

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Introduction to RF Equipment and System Design : 9781580536653

Applies theoretical fundamentals to real-world issues, heavily relying on examples from recent design projects. Key discussions include system design schemes, circuits and components for system evaluations and design.

An excellent resource for engineers and technicians alike, this practical design guide offers a comprehensive and easy-to-understand overview of the most important aspects and components of radio frequency equipment and systems. The book applies theoretical fundamentals to real-world issues, heavily relying on examples from recent design projects. Key discussions include system design schemes, circuits and components for system evaluations and design, RF measurement instrumentation, antennas and associated hardware, and guidelines for purchasing test equipment. The book also serves as a valuable on-the-job training resources for sales engineers and a graduate-level text for courses in this area.

Text provides an overview of the most important aspects and components of radio frequency equipment and systems. For recently graduated RF engineers, or final year students in RF systems engineering. Includes illustrations and index. DLC: Radio--Equipment and supplies.

About the Author
Pekka Eskelinen is a professor in the radio laboratory and head of the Institute of Digital Communications at the Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, where he received his M.Sc. and D.Sc. in electrical engineering. He is also the coauthor of Microwave Component Mechanics and Digital Clocks for Synchronization and Communications, both (Artech House, 2003).

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Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005, An (6th Edition) : 9780130306548

Based on the newest version of Microsoft's VB. NET, this revision of Schneider's best-selling text is designed for students with no prior computer programming experience. The author uses Visual Basic .NET to explore the fundamentals of programming, building a strong foundation that will give students a sustainable understanding of programming. A broad range of examples, case studies, exercises, and programming projects give students significant hands-on experience. A "tried and true" text, this book has been consistently praised by both students and instructors.

An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005 is a book about problem solving using computers. The programming language used is Visual Basic 2005 (hereafter shortened to Visual Basic), but the principles taught apply to many modern programming languages. The examples and exercises present a sampling of the ways that computers are used in society.

Computers are so common today that you certainly have heard some of the terminology applied to them. Here are some questions that you might have about computers and programming.

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Introduction to Private Land Mobile Radio (LMR): Dispatch, LTR, APCO, MPT1327, iDEN, and TETRA : 9780974694368

This book explains the different types of private land mobile radio systems, their basic operations, and the services they can provide.

If you are involved or getting involved in land mobile radio technologies and services, this book is for you. This book covers the basics of private land mobile radio systems including traditional dispatch, analog trunked radio, logic trucked radio (LTR), and advanced digital land mobile radio systems.

Described are the basics of LMR technologies including simplex, half-duplex, and full duplex operation. The different types of squelch systems are covered including carrier controlled squelch, tone controlled squelch, and digital squelch. The basics of analog and digital trunked radio systems is provided along with how and why analog trunked radio systems are converting to digital trunked radio systems.

the leading LMR industry standards including APCO, EDACS, MPT1327, iDEN, and Tetra are described along with simple diagrams to explain their operation. You will learn the key types of services that LMR systems can offer and the key applications that are driving the growth of the LMR industry. Included how LMR systems are still changing to offer new services.

The Book Provides:

  • The different types of land mobile radio systems

  • What are their functional parts and how do they operate

  • The market numbers and trends for the LMR industry

  • Descriptions of the leading industry standards such as APCO, MPT1327, iDEN, and TETRA

  • The key types of services that LMR systems can offer

  • What are the key applications driving the LMR market growth

  • How LMR systems are changing to offer new services

About the Author

Lawrence Harte is the president of Althos, an expert information provider covering the communications industry. He has over 29 years of technology analysis, development, implementation and business management experience. Mr. Harte has worked for leading companies including Ericcson/General Electric, Audiovox/Toshiba and Westinghouse and consulted for hundreds of other companies. Mr. Harte continually researches, analyzes, and tests new communication technologies, applications, and services. He has authored over 30 books on telecommunications technologies on topics including Wireless Mobile, Data Communications, VoIP, Broadband, Prepaid Services, and Communications Billing. Mr. Harte holds many degrees and certificates including an Executive MBA from Wake Forest University (1995) and a BSET from the University of the State of New York, (1990).

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Introduction to Physical Polymer Science : 9780471706069

An Updated Edition of the Classic Text

Polymers constitute the basis for the plastics, rubber, adhesives, fiber, and coating industries. The Fourth Edition of Introduction to Physical Polymer Science acknowledges the industrial success of polymers and the advancements made in the field while continuing to deliver the comprehensive introduction to polymer science that made its predecessors classic texts.

The Fourth Edition continues its coverage of amorphous and crystalline materials, glass transitions, rubber elasticity, and mechanical behavior, and offers updated discussions of polymer blends, composites, and interfaces, as well as such basics as molecular weight determination. Thus, interrelationships among molecular structure, morphology, and mechanical behavior of polymers continue to provide much of the value of the book.

Newly introduced topics include:

  • Nanocomposites, including carbon nanotubes and exfoliated montmorillonite clays

  • The structure, motions, and functions of DNA and proteins, as well as the interfaces of polymeric biomaterials with living organisms

  • The glass transition behavior of nano-thin plastic films

In addition, new sections have been included on fire retardancy, friction and wear, optical tweezers, and more.

Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, Fourth Edition provides both an essential introduction to the field as well as an entry point to the latest research and developments in polymer science and engineering, making it an indispensable text for chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, and polymer science and engineering students and professionals.

About the Author
Trained as a chemist, L. H. SPERLING is Professor Emeritus of both Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He remains active in consulting, speaking, and writing.

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Introduction to Parallel Computing, Second Edition : 9780201648652

Increasingly, parallel processing is being seen as the only cost-effective method for the fast solution of computationally large and data-intensive problems. The emergence of inexpensive parallel computers such as commodity desktop multiprocessors and clusters of workstations or PCs has made such parallel methods generally applicable, as have software standards for portable parallel programming. This sets the stage for substantial growth in parallel software.

Data-intensive applications such as transaction processing and information retrieval, data mining and analysis and multimedia services have provided a new challenge for the modern generation of parallel platforms. Emerging areas such as computational biology and nanotechnology have implications for algorithms and systems development, while changes in architectures, programming models and applications have implications for how parallel platforms are made available to users in the form of grid-based services.

This book takes into account these new developments as well as covering the more traditional problems addressed by parallel computers.Where possible it employs an architecture-independent view of the underlying platforms and designs algorithms for an abstract model. Message Passing Interface (MPI), POSIX threads and OpenMP have been selected as programming models and the evolving application mix of parallel computing is reflected in various examples throughout the book.

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Introduction to Parallel Computing (Oxford Texts in Applied and Engineering Mathematics) : 9780198515777

In the last few years, courses on parallel computation have been developed and offered in many institutions in the UK, Europe and US as a recognition of the growing significance of this topic in mathematics and computer science. There is a clear need for texts that meet the needs of students and lecturers and this book, based on the author's lecture at ETH Zurich, is an ideal practical student guide to scientific computing on parallel computers working up from a hardware instruction level, to shared memory machines, and finally to distributed memory machines. Aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering, subjects covered include linear algebra, fast Fourier transform, and Monte-Carlo simulations, including examples in C and, in some cases, Fortran. This book is also ideal for practitioners and programmers.

The contents of this book are a distillation of many projects which have subsequently
become the material for a course on parallel computing given for several
years at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Z¨urich. Students in this
course have typically been in their third or fourth year, or graduate students,
and have come from computer science, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and programs
for computational science and engineering. Student contributions, whether
large or small, critical or encouraging, have helped crystallize our thinking in a
quickly changing area. It is, alas, a subject which overlaps with all scientific
and engineering disciplines. Hence, the problem is not a paucity of material but
rather the distillation of an overflowing cornucopia. One of the students’ most
often voiced complaints has been organizational and of information overload. It is
thus the point of this book to attempt some organization within a quickly changing
interdisciplinary topic. In all cases, we will focus our energies on floating
point calculations for science and engineering applications.

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Introduction to Paging Systems: One-Way, Two-Way, POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX, REFLEX & INFLEXION : 9780974694375

If you are involved or getting involved in mobile paging technologies, systems, or messaging services, this book is for you. This book explains the different types of paging systems, how they operate, and the changes that are occurring in the paging industry. Traditional paging services have seen a world decline of over 65% in the number of traditional paging services between 1988 to 2003. During this decline, some paging systems have experienced high-growth. These systems offered new services including two-way short messaging, data gathering, (telemetry), and remote control.

You will discover that the lifecycle of paging systems is likely to continue because paging systems generally have much better and more reliable in building radio coverage, have smaller low cost devices (pagers), and the service cost can be substantially less than other systems such as cellular radio.

The basic types of paging services include, tone, numeric text (alpha) and voice. Two types of paging systems, one-way, or two-way paging systems can deliver these messages. One-way paging systems only permit the sending of messages from the paging system to the pager. Two-way paging systems allow the confirmation and response of a message from the pager to the system as well.

Paging systems use different types of radio protocols to provide paging and messages services. The early paging systems simply turned on or off a signal on a given frequency to alert the user of a specific page. Commercial paging systems often conform to industry standards. Covered are they key paging industry standards including POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX, and REFLEX to standardize equipment and services. This has resulted in a dramatic reduction in equipment and usage costs for the customer and the availability of amazing new devices.

The paging industry continues to evolve with innovate technologies and services that provide for new communication applications. This book covers some of the near-term changes that will affect the paging industry.

About the Author

Lawrence Harte is the president of Althos, an expert information provider covering the communications industry. He has over 29 years of technology analysis, development, implementation, and business management experience. Mr. Harte has worked for leading companies including Ericcson/General Electric, Audiovox/Toshiba and Westinghouse and consulted for hundreds of other companies. Mr. Harte continually researches, analyzes, and tests new communication technologies, applications, and services. He has authored over 50 books on telecommunications technologies on topics including Wireless Mobile, Data Communications, VoIP, Broadband, Prepaid Services, and Communications Billing. Mr. Harte holds many degrees and certificates including an Executive MBA from Wake Forest University (1995) and a BSET from the University of the State of New York, (1990).

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