Introduction to Statistics Through Resampling Methods and Microsoft Office Excel : 9780471731917

INTENDED FOR CLASS USE OR SELF-STUDY, this text aspires to introduce statistical
methodology to a wide audience, simply and intuitively, through
resampling from the data at hand.

The resampling methods—permutations and the bootstrap—are easy to
learn and easy to apply. They require no mathematics beyond introductory
high-school algebra, yet are applicable in an exceptionally broad range of
subject areas.

Introduced in the 1930s, the numerous, albeit straightforward calculations
resampling methods require were beyond the capabilities of the
primitive calculators then in use. They were soon displaced by less powerful,
less accurate approximations that made use of tables. Today, with a
powerful computer on every desktop, resampling methods have resumed
their dominant role and table lookup is an anachronism.
Physicians and physicians in training, nurses and nursing students, business
persons, business majors, research workers, and students in the biological
and social sciences will find here a practical and easily grasped
guide to descriptive statistics, estimation, testing hypotheses, and model

For advanced students in biology, dentistry, medicine, psychology, sociology,
and public health, this text can provide a first course in statistics
and quantitative reasoning.
For mathematics majors, this text will form the first course in statistics,
to be followed by a second course devoted to distribution theory and
asymptotic results.

Hopefully, all readers will find my objectives are the same as theirs: To
use quantitative methods to characterize, review, report on, test, estimate, and
classify findings.

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