Inside JavaScript : 9780735712850

The only comprehensive book available that covers the latest technology, such as Internet Explorer 6 and JavaScript 1.5, and JScript 5.6. Packed full of hands-on examples, this book integrates JavaScript with .NET, XML, XSLT, Java, CSS, HTML, Cookies, Security, and much more. Written for beginning to intermediate readers looking to learn how to work with JavaScript and how best to use it with other web technologies. Inside JavaSript fills a void between the very beginning and high level books available in bookstores today. It's a book readers want primarily for two reasons: re-usable code and up-to-date browser information. Books currently out on the shelf are not up to the latest in browser technology; thus, frustrating readers because everything done in JavaScript is dependent on browser capabilities. The web site will contain all the source code used in the book.

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