IBM is generally considered one of the most important software vendors, and this is
even more true in the e-business space. In fact, many would say that IBM is the most
influential vendor and has the best vision and product scope in spaces such as Web
application development, Java, middleware, and enterprise systems. This chapter gives
a brief look into the IBM e-business product landscape. WebSphere is IBM's
cornerstone in this blueprint and is both the application server platform on which IBM's
e-business blueprint is built and the umbrella product name of a full suite of products for
building applications. This chapter discusses the application server, as well as some of
the products belonging to the business product family such as WebSphere Portal
Server, WebSphere Studio, and WebSphere Voice Server.
WebSphere is Internet infrastructure software known as middleware. It enables
companies to develop, deploy, and integrate next-generation e-business applications,
such as those for business-to-business e-commerce; it also supports business
applications from simple Web publishing to enterprise-scale transaction processing
applications. WebSphere transforms the way businesses manage customer, partner,
and employee relationships. For example, you can use it to create a compelling Web
experience that improves the quality and quantity of site traffic, to extend applications to
incorporate mobile devices so the sales force can service clients faster, or to build an
electronic e-marketplace that lowers sourcing costs.
IBM(R) Websphere(R) Application Server: The Complete Reference : 9780072223941
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