The different niches represented and the various perspectives presented in this text enable readers to really get inside the great minds of advertising and glean practical advice, as advertising CEOs go back to basics.
Inside the Minds: The Art of Advertising is the most authoritative book ever written on the essentials behind building successful brands and implementing creative communications solutions. This title features the founders, presidents and CEOs from some of the country’s leading advertising agencies, who have each contributed chapters akin to object, experience-related white papers or essays on the core issues surrounding success in such a competitive market. In an over-arching as well as in-depth presentation of the fundamentals, authors articulate the unspoken rules and the important issues facing any agency now, and what will hold true in the future. From effective branding strategies to industry trends and challenges, this title pulls readers through all facets of advertising, from beginning to end. The difference niches represented and the various perspectives presented enable readers to really get inside the great minds of advertising and glean practical advice, as the experts go back to basics in a must-read for anyone interested in this dynamic, unique industry.